Frequently Asked Questions
Does Does Downers Grove CPR Ltd. provide on-site training for the workplace?
Absolutely! We will travel to your workplace for as few as the cost of eight people. Prices are substantially less (per person) for larger groups. We are happy to customize the training to you needs. For more information visit our Workplace Training Page or Request a Quote page, or we could love to hear from you in person! Call us at 630-309-4009.
I am a healthcare provider; what course do I need?
We always recommend that students check with their employer to see exactly what class they need to take. If you need CPR for the Healthcare Provider, we have it. Visit our BLS Courses page to enroll. Other healthcare provider classes we offer include ACLS and PALS. Often times BLS providers or nursing school students need first aid training as well. You can easily add First Aid to your course. Add-on options are available upon class selection.
Can I study before class?
We encourage you to do so! Look over your student information page provided in your confirmation as well as your course book. Feel free to contact us to schedule a time to swing by and pick up your course book (we are located at 5021 Fairview Ave, Unit B, Downers Grove, IL 60515). But, you can always pick up your book in class.
Can I enroll in a CPR class on the same day the class will be taught?
Yes; as long as the class is still open, you have up to 30 minuted prior to class to enroll and pay online. If you are having trouble enrolling online, please contact us.
What do I need to complete before class?
Please read your confirmation email for information about any pre-course study. Our CPR, first aid, and BLS classes do not require any pre-course tests however you should go through the attachments in your confirmation email, and if you purchased a Book you can benefit from reviewing the material. For our ACLS classes, please read your confirmation email as there are quite a few items to complete before class, including your pretest. For our Blended courses, you must complete the online portion before attending your skills session. And for all of our classes, please arrive to class about 10 minutes early, wear comfortable clothes, and feel free to bring water and a snack.
Where are classes held?
Our location is 5021 Fairview Ave Unit B, Downers Grove, IL 60515. We are located at Fairview Ave and Burlington Ave on the east side of the street.
Do you cancel classes due to low enrollment?
Never! We will conduct all scheduled classes, even those with just one student attending. NOTE: our instructors are all full-time Firefighters/Paramedics and there is always a possibility for us to be forced back to work. Please know, we do our best to avoid this or have classes covered should this happed, but in some cases, there is no getting around it. We will do whatever we can to make it as convenient for you as possible.
What does"BLS" mean?
Basic Life Support.
What is an AED?
AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator.
How long will my certification card be valid?
Certification cards for all of the classes we teach are valid for two years from the issue date with the exception of the bloodborne pathogens (BBP) class. Bloodborne pathogen certification is valid for one year after the issue date.
What is your cancellation policy?
Please refer to the policy page for cancellation information. Most classes have a 7-day cancellation policy.
Do you have refresher courses?
All of our regular courses can be taken by both first time CPR students and those with previous training. We do offer a BLS Provider renewal class, an ACLS renewal class and a PALS renewal class if you have an AHA certification card no more than 30 days expired. Please note, cards are valid until the last day of the month.
Why don't you offer a refresher for Heartsavers courses?
Heartsavers courses are traditionally for the lay person. So the people taking the Heartsavers classes have a lower chance of performing CPR during their 2 year certification. This means they should review all the material in the curriculum to make sure they have the best chance of saving a life.
I am interested in becoming a CPR instructor.
How can I find out more information? Downers Grove CPR currently offers training for individuals seeking to become an instructor, however, we do not provide an affiliation with our training site as this is the responsibility of the student.
What training agency does Downers Grove CPR teach through?
Downers Grove CPR Ltd. is an American Heart Association Training Site aligned with Addison Fire Protection District Training Center in Addison, Il 60101.
I've seen online courses in CPR that are more convenient for me. What are the advantages of taking a course in a classroom?
While online courses may provide the same basic concepts as an in-class course, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a motor skill, not a cognitive skill, that requires practice and repetition in order to learn effective techniques. Also, many employers will not accept online-only training. With Downers Grove CPR Ltd., most of your class time is spent practicing on mannequins or participating in real life scenarios. Our instructors are there to help you with technique, answer any questions you might have, and most importantly, customize the class to your unique needs.
Does Downers Grove CPR teach the new CPR protocol?
Yes! In 2020 there were minor changes in the CPR curriculum. Downers Grove CPR Ltd. always stays current with any new training guidelines and will be taught to students as provided by the AHA. They found that doing large launches of new training wasn't as effective as releasing the information on an as-needed basis.
What is the difference between Heartsaver and BLS Provider classes?
The BLS Provider course is for Healthcare Providers. Although anyone is allowed to take this course for CPR certification, it is required for healthcare professionals – especially those who work in a clinical healthcare environment (such as hospitals, doctors offices, labs, and clinics to name a few). These two classes are similar but do have very distinct differences that a healthcare provider needs to be aware of.
Heartsaver classes are designed for the lay person, such as: fitness instructors, parents, babysitters, nannies, child care professionals, boy scouts, girl scouts – persons who do not work in a healthcare setting. If a BLS class satisfies your schedule better, feel free to sign up for the class as anyone can take that course. Please inquire with your employer and/or your licensing/credentialing services before registering for a class if you are unsure.
What’s the difference between a “Blended” course and a normal class?
There is not a significant difference between either class, other than where the bookwork portion of the class takes place. AHA e-Learning takes place in your home, office, local coffee shop by the means of the Internet. You watch demonstration videos and execute simulation scenarios in order to receive a certificate of completion. Once you complete the e-Learning portion of the class, you attend a skills session at our office. There you complete skills necessary in front of an American Heart Association instructor, who will assure you have the confidence to perform the skills learned during the e-Learning portion of the program. You then receive your card which looks no different than the cards given to students who sit in class.
Can I bring my child to class?
No. While it may not be a distraction for the parent(s) who wish to bring the baby/child to class, it can easily become a distraction to the other students. Therefore babies and children are not to be brought to class. The only exception would be during a private group and mutually agreed upon. Also, waiting for students to finish the class is not permissible as adults can become distractions as well. If it is necessary to stay with a child or partner during class please reserve two seats for class, special requests/considerations can be made available email david@downersgrovecpr.com to explain.
I want to learn CPR but don't really need a certification. Is there a class for me?
Yes! That class is called the Friends and Family course. This is designed for people who want to learn CPR but do not need a course completion card. It's ideal for schools and students, new parents, grandparents, babysitters and others interested in learning how to save a life.